“Not So Friendly” Airstrikes of US-led Coalition Jets in Iraq

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In the name of Allah, the Merciful to all, the Compassionate

Almost once in a week, it’s in the news that US-led coalition jets flew to attack ISIS positions, but mistakenly bombed their foes in a so-called friendly airstrike. Each time, the lack of information or dis-coordination between forces is to blame, which is obviously a childish lie. With so many boots on the ground, and so many drones and satellites, they have up-to-the-minute information about battlefields.

Reportedly, the US-led coalition has 180 warplanes there, which make only about 20 combat sorties per day. The rate of combat sorties to warplanes is 10% of what Russians are doing in Syria. this means that they have lots of excess time to double check everything before any operation. If the volume of operations was 100 times more than this, one or two isolated incidents could be ignored and forgiven. But what the US-led coalition is doing follows a repetitive pattern, indicating that these incidents can neither be counted as mistakes, nor friendly.

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U.S. Announces The End of Superpower Status

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In the name of Allah, the Merciful to all, the Compassionate

Yesterday the Obama administration expelled 35 Russian diplomats and closed two Russian estates in New York and Maryland. Obama also sanctioned the Russian external intelligence service FSB and the military intelligence service GRU as well as some of its leaders. The reason given was to retaliate for Russian efforts to interfere with the US presidential election.

Let’s put aside the debate about what really Russians did and how successful their “hacking” to influence the U.S. election was. The more important issue is that the President of United States claims that one of many of their adversaries could hack into the election and influence the results, and they could not do anything about it.

Attention anyone who still thinks the United States is a superpower:

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French Culture or French Trash?

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In the name of Allah, the Merciful to all, the Compassionate

Throughout my entire life I have heard about how the French cherish their culture, history, language and cuisine. That the French have been, and are, today's world leaders in fashion, food, wine, art and architecture. They embrace novelty, new ideas, and manners with enthusiasm as long as they are elegant. If this is true, the French culture should be as deep as an ocean, disturbed by nothing.

In reality, however, any trivial incident can change their psyche overnight. One such example would be the Nice terror attack which took place in July. They claim that a soldier of Islam conveyed the attack, thus qualifying Islam as an invading, and obviously barbaric, culture that needs to be confronted. That picture has nothing in common with reality.

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Fear of Islam to Save Christianity

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In the name of Allah, the Merciful to all, the Compassionate

Speaking to the Religious News Service, cardinal Raymond Burke said there is “no question that Islam wants to govern the world” and that the only way to save Western civilisation is to return it to its Christian roots. Personally, I prefer to see the western civilization return to Christianity, and replace this evil system of usury and greed. However, using the fear of Islam, as a catalyzer, for such a transition is just immoral.

Cardinal Burke said that while muslims were “lovely people”, their religion teaches that it should dominate the state, and any country with a muslim majority must submit to the Islamic law.

“When they become a majority in any country then they have the religious obligation to govern that country,” the cardinal added. “If that’s what the citizens of a nation want, well, then, they should just allow this to go on. But if that’s not what they want, then they have to find a way to deal with it.”

When asked how the West should respond to increasing Islamisation, Cardinal Burke said:

“I think the appropriate response is to be firm about the Christian origin of our own nation, and certainly in Europe, and the Christian foundations of the government, and to fortify those.”

What the American cardinal said is a fact that we muslims have known for centuries:

Without Islam, Christianity would be long vanished and forgotten; ironically a fear of Islam and Islamophobia are the only tools the leaders of church have to revive it.

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Hezbollah Captured US, French Intelligence Officers in Aleppo

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Islamic Eschatology: What is the Truth?

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In the name of Allah, the Merciful to all, the Compassionate

In current times we hear a lot about what the fate of the human race is and how things will end. You can even find many apocalyptic versions of end-time in Hollywood movies. Virtually all of them depict a grim and dark picture of the future: a post-apocalyptic era in which only brutality and barbarism can prevail. Something that you can find in movies like "Mad Max" or "The Book of Eli", among many other movies. You may have heard that in Islamic Eschatology described in the Hadith that in the end-times the population of the human race will be reduced by famines, pestilence, and wars. You may even find some decorated Islamic scholars that affirm such claims. But how much of it is really true?

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Depopulation Through Stealth Sterilization

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In the 1990's the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45. The stated purpose was to protect against Tetanus or Lockjaw, a painful sometimes lethal infectious reaction to external wounds or cuts.

However, the vaccine was not given to men or boys, who are more prone to wounds from cuts and rusty nails than the ladies. Noticing this anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious and had the vaccine samples tested.

The tests revealed that the WHO Tetanus vaccine used to inoculate women of child bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone that is secreted in the initial stages of pregnancy, but when combined with a tetanus toxoid stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told.

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Animal Cruelty in France’s Abattoirs

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Did you see the shocking images of animal cruelty in an "organic" abattoir whose meat ends up on the tables of top French chefs? The shocking scene, filmed secretly in March by animal welfare group L214, shows some animals being hung and bled or even cut up while still alive at the abattoir in the Basque country, in the South West. Lambs having limbs hacked off or even quartered while still conscious, not in some huge industrial abattoir, but a "human-sized" site that slaughters local produce – either organic or bearing the respected "red label", meaning the animals are not battery-reared.

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TERROR THEATRE: The EU Babel, Brussels Attack Numerology & Media Fakery

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By: Jay Dyer

Once again the ritual enactment of terror theatre has proven useful to the western establishment, with Europe once more the focus of a new round of psychological warfare – the mental attack that is “terror” (I am refraining from talking about actual deaths, since we will see no bodies or evidence of said deaths). What is actually dead is Europe, precisely because it long ago capitulated to the degenerate machinations of monied elites that long ago sought to replace the remnants and vestiges of traditional culture with masonic atheism, secularism and the Babel of the EU (conceived and drawn up long ago at Bilderberg through the Kalergi Plan).

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Consequences of an EMP Attack on the USA

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