Just imagine... If Russia had toppled the Canadian government

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This Blog post written by Neil Clark was originally published on RT:

Just imagine if the democratically-elected government of Canada had been toppled in a Russian-financed coup, in which far-right extremists and neo-Nazis played a prominent role.

That the new unelected 'government' in Ottawa cancelled the law giving the French language official status, appointed a billionaire oligarch to run Quebec and signed an association agreement with a Russian-led trade bloc.

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300, Rise of an Empire; History or Propaganda?

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The new Hollywood blockbuster “300:Rise of an Empire”, despite a tremendous backlash over historical inaccuracies and blatant racism portrayed in the first “300” movie, maintains the tradition. Within the first few minutes of the film, we learn that Darius the Great, Emperor of Persia invaded the western Greek lands because he is annoyed at their “freedom”. Themistocles shoots the Persian Darius who is watching the battle from a ship.

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In the End, It All Adds Up to – 1/12, or does it?

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Hinging Cubes, Art of Erik Aberg

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In the following Video clip, you can see the Hinging Cubes that Erik Aberg builds, and he demonstrates how different shapes and structures can be formed using them.

What I really like about this artwork is it helps us to have a better understanding of how parts of an overall design can work together, and how we can improve our designs by utilizing such concepts.

Erik has a website and a facebook page, in which you can find more about his works.

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Prophecy: What does it mean?

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Muslim Pundits’ Views about Creation

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I recently watched a few video clips about some evidence that humans were roaming planet earth for millions of years. In a documentary named “Origin of Man” it shows some human footprints beside dinosaur footprint dated around 100 million years ago. The other one shows a footprint more than one meter long, dated at least 200 million years ago. That’s why I decided to write this article, and show what some Muslim scholars think about Origin of Man.

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Science and Knowledge in other Civilizations

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It’s not a secret that the western civilization does its best to ignore other civilizations and attribute all the achievements of the human race to itself. They act like before them, nobody observed an apple falling from a tree, and that it was newton, who for the first time in history, could observe it and conclude that there should be a reason for that, and named it Gravity.

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Causal Thinking

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Atheists did a good job of selling the idea of “If you believe in God, you should not ask how the God is doing his affairs. Believing in God and being a scientist cannot go together”. But as a Muslim, I found that’s not what Quran suggests, and that’s not what we think.

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How different are we from chimpanzees?

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Today I watched a video clip about the difference between humans and chimpanzees. The speaker claimed that chimpanzees and humans share 99% identical DNA, and all of the difference is about 1%. Then, he wondered how that 1% difference could cause so much advancement in life style and achievements in humans.

I think there are a few points worthy of mention about this subject:

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What’s wrong with Academia?

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To be brief, lots of things are wrong with Academia, and most of the problems are well-observed and well-documented by academics themselves. Just search for the title of this post and you will find thousands of articles about the subject. However, most of them are about things which are not working for academics, and it’s hard to find something that views the whole picture and discusses whether the whole system is functional and appropriate or not.

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