False Flags, Gladio and the Charlie Hebdo Incident
Posted On:Source: 21stcenturywire.com
A new year brings resolutions, and for the establishment, the resolutions are quite clear: more of the same. More false flags, more media circus and staged news, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
In summary, we find that Euro terror, and in particular, terror events involving in some tangential way connected to France bear all the same patterns and Atlanticist black-op power bloc operations that have been at work since the Cold War and Gladio. As new details emerge, a clearer picture can be painted about the new siege, but I feel confident we can expect all the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror. The strategy of tension plan of the neocon establishment has long argued for a “clash of civilizations”between the “Judeo-Christian” nations and Islamic civilization to destabilize and remake the Middle East on the long march to the British Fabian great game of global technocratic government.